Nashville Power of Attorney Lawyer

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Nashville Power of Attorney Attorney

While no one wants to think about being incapacitated from injury, age, or illness, it is crucial to plan for. If you become unable to make decisions for yourself due to incapacitation, having established powers of attorney can ensure you and your affairs are cared for by someone you trust. An experienced Nashville power of attorney lawyer is a helpful ally in drafting a power of attorney document and incorporating it into your estate plan.

Authorizing someone to act as power of attorney, particularly for the potential of incapacitation, is an important yet stressful decision. This person may be paying bills, authorizing legal actions, and making decisions about your medical care. It is crucial to choose someone that you trust and who is capable of handling this responsibility. An attorney with years of practical experience creating powers of attorney can provide you with advice and answers during the process of drafting these documents.

Preparing for Your Future Care with Experienced Legal Representation

Emmack Probate and Estate Law Group can use their experience to your benefit, helping you draft a power of attorney document in a way that addresses your specific needs. Power of attorney documents are a part of estate planning that focuses on your own personal care and well-being, and that should not be taken lightly. Attorney Shanone Emmack knows that these topics can be difficult but necessary and provides you with compassionate legal care.

Power of attorney documents can be used to protect your interests while you are incapacitated, abroad, or need to provide someone with legal powers for other reasons. Shanone Emmack can help protect your interests. She has years of experience working directly with individuals and families on these estate planning documents and is proud to provide this skilled assistance.

Understanding Powers of Attorney

Powers of attorney is a document that gives a trusted individual the legal ability to act on your behalf in specific circumstances. You could grant a trusted individual the ability to make financial decisions or sign legal agreements. Depending on the specifics of the powers of attorney document, this individual may have these powers for a specific reason or for a set period of time. The scope and limitations of these documents can be customized to your unique needs.

Many different powers of attorney can be used in estate plans, but the most common estate planning powers of attorney are durable powers of attorney. These powers of attorney take effect if you become incapacitated and are unable to make decisions for yourself. Two of the most common forms of durable power of attorney are medical power of attorney and financial power of attorney.

What Can Durable Power of Attorney Do for You?

A durable power of attorney can give you some clarity and certainty in how your affairs will be managed if you are unable to, including your own physical well-being. Your wishes will be followed even when you are unable to express them. When you draft the document, you have complete control over the powers you give to this individual and can revoke the document whenever you wish.

If you become incapacitated and you have not created powers of attorney, your family and loved ones will have to petition the court for the ability to make decisions for you. This can take significant time and money in a situation where decisions need to be made for you quickly. It can be hard for your loved ones to secure the powers needed to make decisions for you.

The court may also give those powers to someone you do not want to make decisions on your behalf, especially about something as personal and sensitive as medical care. You can avoid these outcomes by drafting durable powers of attorney documents.

Types of Powers of Attorney

Powers of attorney can place different types of limits on the powers of the person making decisions for you. The main forms of powers of attorney include:

  1. Durable Powers of Attorney: These powers can cover any of your affairs and continue if you become incapacitated and cannot make those decisions for yourself. You can determine when the individual has those powers, such as from the moment of incapacitation or unconsciousness.
  2. Special or Limited Powers of Attorney: This provides an individual with the power to complete specific actions in a limited manner.

Powers of attorney can cover different types of decisions. Primarily, the scope of powers of attorney includes:

  1. Financial Power of Attorney: A trusted individual can make financial choices and handle business decisions on your behalf. They could pay bills, write checks, make investments, and file taxes.
  2. Healthcare Power of Attorney: A trusted individual can make choices regarding your medical needs and healthcare. This may include consenting to certain treatments, determining your wishes for pain management, and ensuring your spiritual beliefs are followed in medical care. This individual often follows the information left in your medical directives, another important estate planning document.

An Nashville attorney with experience drafting these documents can help you determine the scope of powers and type of authority that suits your needs in a power of attorney document. Each person’s needs and familial situation are different, and the documents in their estate plan should address those complexities.

How Can an Attorney Help Me with Powers of Attorney?

An attorney helps you create a valid, enforceable, and straightforward power of attorney document. These documents must meet the legal requirements in Tennessee to be enforceable by the court, including being notarized, and an attorney can ensure those requirements are met. An attorney can help the process go more smoothly and help you protect your interests more completely.

Establishing Power of Attorney Documents in Nashville

An improperly drafted power of attorney document will not provide you any benefits. Emmack Probate and Estate Law Group provides detail-oriented and knowledgeable legal support which helps you plan for the future and create valid legal documents. Contact Shanone Emmack today.

